Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen „stiller Kühlung“ und „Umluftkühlung“ und was muss ich bei der Lagerung von Lebensmitteln entsprechend beachten?

Silent cooling does not mean that the cooling device is particularly quiet! Rather, it indicates whether the air is “moving” within the cooling chamber or not. This can be done with simple fans or through a combination of fans and optimized air ducts.

The advantage of circulating air cooling is obvious: identical temperatures are achieved throughout the interior. Furthermore, the preset temperatures are reached much more quickly after opening and closing the door. When the door is open, the circulating air cooling is deactivated for efficiency reasons so as not to transport the cold interior air to the outside. This reduces energy costs and avoids excessive temperature fluctuations. To protect the cooled contents, they must be covered or stored in closed containers. Otherwise they would dry out and lose quality in terms of appearance and taste.

There is also a risk of smell and taste being transferred to other foods. With so-called “silent cooling”, the air in the interior is not moved, which is why it takes longer to reach the desired temperature. In addition, different temperature ranges can develop in the interior (upper area warmer than the lower area), especially after opening and closing the door. Devices with silent cooling are particularly suitable for storage refrigerators and freezers that are rarely opened and closed.